Hold On To Goodness

Words inspire action.


“Hold On To Goodness”

Sometimes we need a refresher. The vibe of the 2021 Oscar’s changed for the better. All winners, some luckier than others replaced the zero-sum competition of previous years with camaraderie.  I appreciated the warmth of the host introductions: personal insights and quirky stories-- first jobs, first movies and first love. Best Director Chloe Zhao revealed that she and her dad memorized and recited Chinese poetry to each other.

The line she remembers so deeply: ”people at birth are inherently good” from the poem Three Character Classic. She said: “Those six [words] had such great impact on me... And I still truly believe them today, even though sometimes it might seem like the opposite is true. But I have always found goodness in the people I met, everywhere I went in the world.”

Chloe captured the goodness for all of us to see to experience-- in the 2021 Best Picture Nomadland.  Introducing us to characters slightly flawed but fully human. 

Inviting us to see what we wouldn’t ordinarily see. 

In the aftermath of the intimate introductions, the movie stars became real people, enjoying a night celebrating their craft and each other, carefully and respectfully taking their mask on and off. 

Let us follow Chloe’s advice and “have the faith and courage to hold onto the goodness no matter how difficult it is to. 




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